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5 Technologies Transforming Higher Education Learning System

Gone are the days when students used to sit in large lecture halls and teachers used to deliver their lessons on traditional brick and mortar board. Thanks to new technological innovations that has allows students and teachers to adopt modern ways of communication that are actually bringing about a positive change in educational sector.
While university or college students need greater level of understanding and in-depth critical thinking skills which was only possible through technology integration, the higher education institutions are also promoting the use of modern day technology

Ever wondered how learning new processes and mechanisms have become extremely convenient and practical that students no longer have to worry about information retention ratio? Since learning through technology not only ensures quick learning, it also allows students to practically implement number of lessons so that they can remember it for life.
From artificial intelligence to virtual reality and STEM education, students can acquire greater level of understanding and learning that too in significantly less time. So, who would not like to make the most out of latest technological tools and elevate the overall education system of their institution?
Though UK assignment help online has written volumes of information and helped large number of students with their technology related assignments, this article will focus specifically on the impact of modern day technology in higher education sector. Let’s get started!
  1. Virtual and Augmented Reality

One of the most effective and intelligent technology to promote immersive learning experiences to higher education students is virtual and augmented reality. Providing hands-on experiences on practical challenges to be performed in a way that nobody could have imagined without it, virtual reality has transformed many educational sector.
From medical students practicing skills to armed forces people learning to get their hands-on multiple expertise, there is a lot that virtual and augmented reality has to offer. The technology has not only made convenient for learners to learn multiple skills and trainings, the students will also have a safe environment to practice their lessons.
Needless to say, VR and AR technology are training students to get the know-how of their professional life before actually entering into it. Having endless applications in educational sector, virtual reality is can be used in various subjects and training courses to provide best possible learning experience to students.
  1. Video Conferencing

With the introduction of video conferencing in classrooms, institutions can bring virtual experts and teachers to give their lessons remotely. They would not have to travel all the way physically to train the students, rather through high definition screens, cameras and microphone systems, students can avail some amazing teaching classes through video conferencing.
Students can even interact with those professors and do a live Q/A sessions in case of any query. Further video conferencing is also helpful for students to interact with other university students or join a seminar or live session taking place in another part of the world. You don’t have to worry anymore about physically traveling for training purpose, rather the integration of video conferencing is one convenient approach to make learning easier for you.
  1. Adaptive Learning

Since every student’s learning capabilities are different from the other and not everyone learns at the same pace, adaptive learning offers customized learning experiences to students. With the help of complex computer algorithms adaptive teaching and artificial intelligence offers personalized learning and teaching methods depending on each student’s learning pace.
Some of the modern universities have already implemented OLI (Open learning initiative) that provides adaptive learning technology and link learning experience to course performances. Students can not only learn at their individual pace, they will also receive regular feedback on how they can improve their weak areas.
It is important for every institution to implement the right adaptive learning software. The software would not be directly telling answers to students, rather it will be challenging them to make strategies and struggle through multiple options to get to the right answers
  1. Online Courses Websites & Applications

Most of the working students find it difficult to take sufficient time out of their schedule and take proper regular classes. Website and mobile applications that offer multiple online courses provides a good platform for such students to keep their learning.
Here are some of the advantages you can get from online sites like Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy etc.:
  • Students will get multiple training courses on diverse subjects
  • Certificates will be provided at the end of each training which are also recognized in universities and institutions
  • Quiz and assignments at the end of each course helps in information retention
  • Expert and skilled teachers are available to help you with any course related concern
  • Best customer support offered on websites
  • You can also learn from video tutorials in addition to topic wise study content.
  1. Cloud-based Tools like Google Docs

One of the major concerns that university or college student highlight is the difficulty in collaboration and interaction they face. In order to make the communication smooth with other students, Google Docs offers an efficient cloud-based platform where students can share their educational information and also share with others.
Students can work more effectively in group projects as the files uploaded on the shared cloud-based folders are viewable and editable by all the group members. The real-time collaboration has become extremely convenient for students that the use of Google Docs is gradually becoming a “must-have” tool for most of the students and modern educational institutions.
The tool has been able to provide extreme flexibility and file sharing and group collaboration is no more a difficult task for students. So, students who want to make things work smoothly and want an efficient platform for file sharing and storage, you will not find anything better than Google Docs.
With the use of the above highlighted technological tools in education system, not only students will be benefited by enhancing their learning experiences, even the institutions will be able to raise the overall educational standard and can stand apart from other in providing best quality education. 
Bill James, working as an education analyst and always seeks for ways to enhance the overall education system of the society. Impressed by the write-ups of online assignment writing services UK for over one and a half year, he also share his thoughts in articles and blogs related to technology and education.